“3 Words of Wisdom (Los Tres Consejos)” to Premiere on Channel 26








Actress Juanita Trad, as the “Cuentista (Storyteller)” in “The 3 Words of Wisdom” as part of the Storytellers Project of the “Sense of Wonder Doc-u Moments” Program.

“3 Words of Wisdom (Los Tres Consejos)”, a short film by Rudy J. Miera, featuring Actress Juanita Trad will Premiere on May 1st at 6:45 p.m.

Albuquerque Public Access Channel 26


Albuquerque Virtual Visionaries


*Sense of Wonder Experience Doc-u “Moments” program*

Good news! Those of you who are not on cable can live stream on


This program is funded by Albuquerque Visual Visionaries as part of a grant proposal by the city of Albuquerque. In addition, we made a promo video that has been posted on our Sense of Wonder Facebook page.  This same video will air on Albuquerque Public Access Channel 26 as part of their promotion. There are approximately thirty more films by Albuquerque Visual Visionaries.

Sense of Wonder Experience is excited to be a part of this project and look forward to our collaboration with Channel 26 and the other Albuquerque Virtual Visionaries.